Memorial Restoration

Whether it’s for an anniversary, special occasion or you simply feel that your loved ones memorial stone requires some professional assistance, something that you may like to consider is our Memorial Restoration Service. The memorial may just need re-levelling or it might require a full clean, renovation of the inscription lettering and re-fixing to modern Cemetery and Churchyard regulations.

We offer to view the memorial and send to you a written report and estimate on the work we feel is required or requested by yourself. This is something that we offer completely free of charge and there is no obligation for you to accept the quotation.

With our experience and skills we are confident that in most cases (nearly all), we can restore any memorial to look and feel as it was the day that it was originally installed, many years before.

Where possible we restore your loved ones memorial on-site and the work is completed over several visits, however in most cases it is better and actually cheaper to remove the memorial back to our workshop where we have all the facilities required to complete a truly beautiful restoration.

Where possible we restore your loved ones memorial on-site and the work is completed over several visits, however in most cases it is better and actually cheaper to remove the memorial back to our workshop where we have all the facilities required to complete a truly beautiful restoration.

Headstone being restored in Diss Norfolk

All of our restored memorials, when required are re-fixed to the latest Code of Working Practice set by NAMM (The National Association of Memorial Masons) and we would present you with a ten year Memorial Guarantee Certificate for re-levelling and fixings.

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